What Happens
Every Sunday morning, we come together for a time of worship. This gathering features a blend of activities: there's uplifting singing, insightful teaching and preaching, heartfelt praying, enjoyable coffee, and a time for casual socializing. During our singing, feel free to belt out the tunes with all your heart or simply soak in the music quietly. In our moments of prayer, you are welcome to participate actively or reflect silently. Engage in these activities in whatever way feels right for you.
What's truly important to us is not how you choose to participate, but what you take away from the experience. Our sincere hope is that you'll be greeted with warmth and kindness, and that you'll encounter both the love and presence of God in our midst.
The River is known for its relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Our aim is for you to feel at ease from the moment you walk in. To help with this, we have friendly folks ready to guide you around and answer any questions you might have. Importantly, we ensure that first-time visitors or guests never feel singled out or pressured into anything uncomfortable or embarrassing.
You'll find that formality and ritual take a back seat here. When it comes to attire, there's a real mix. While some might choose to dress up for church, many of us prefer casual wear like jeans. The bottom line is to wear what makes you comfortable. You'll fit right in, regardless of your outfit choice.
At The River, our community is sustained through the generous financial contributions of those who consider this their church home. We encourage these individuals to give consistently and generously, as they are able.
For those who are new or simply exploring what The River has to offer, please know there is no expectation or obligation for you to contribute financially. We welcome you without any pressure to give.